I had been meaning to build a personal website for oh, ages, but never seemed to get round to it - or started one which was soon abandoned. However, having some free time on my hands I decided it was time to bite the bullet and do it properly. I registered the domain name leobs.net and set to work.
The website has been deliberately designed to be 'old-skool' & not tied to any fancy Web 2.0 stuff or social media platforms. I've got nothing against Facebook etc. it's just... not my style. I'd rather spend my spare time doing other things.
I'm doing this for three reasons. One is to create a web presence for myself and the things I consider interesting. Two is the pleasure and challenge of coding a website, and Three is to express my creativity. It will probably be of little interest to anyone who doesn't know me, and that's fine. (Though I'm hoping that the stuff on e.g. interactive fiction and retrogaming may reach a slightly wider audience.) If it does and people are entertained for a few minutes then that's great!